Free Consultation

Purpose of the Legal Consultation

Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Queens, NY

There are several reasons for offering a free consultation:

  • It gives you an opportunity to state why you need, or believe you need, to retain a lawyer.
  • It gives us both an opportunity to determine if your needs can be met by our practice. In this regard, a preliminary assessment of your case is performed.
  • By identifying yourself and the parties involved, there is an early opportunity to consider whether a conflict of interest might arise.
  • It gives you an opportunity to gain some preliminary understanding of the work that might be involved and the cost to achieve your goal. It also gives us an opportunity to determine whether we will work well together.

The free initial consultation is not designed for, nor does it permit, the giving of free legal advice. Please note that free consultation is limited to the initial 15 minutes. Any time incurred over and above the initial 15 minutes, will be billed at our usual rate.

Disclaimer: Whether the consultation is done over the telephone, by e-mail, or in person, or whether there is any other form of communication, the simple fact that there has been a consultation and/or communication does not mean that we are retained to act for you in any manner nor does it mean that a lawyer and client relationship has been created. To the contrary, we will only consider ourselves as being retained as your lawyers after there is a written retainer agreement and, when required by the written retainer agreement, receipt of the required monetary retainer.All of this helps to determine the exact terms of the relationship or, in some cases, the non-relationship. These conditions serve to protect both you and us.